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Contractor Code of Conduct

As a government operated program, mPOWER expects the following from all contractors, their employees, entities, owners, partners, principals, independent contractors, third party agents or other representatives who perform sales, installation, advising, construction, creative service, digital marketing, lead generation, inspection or any other service in connection with the contractor:

  1. Conduct business with Property Owners in a legal, respectful, ethical and equitable basis
  2. Ensure that all individuals conducting business as a representative or in connection with the contractor have proper identification
  3. At no time may a contractor or one of his/her representatives in connection to the contractor present as representing the mPOWER Program, or the County or City in which the property resides
  4. Do not provide or appear to provide tax advice
  5. The Internal Revenue Service has noted that: “Assessments associated with a specific improvement benefitting one home are not deductible like real estate taxes. However, the interest portion of your payment may be deductible as home mortgage interest.” (IRS Tax Code 503) Property owners should consult a tax professional regarding deductions and credits.
  6. Seek to always provide the high value products and services best suited to a Property Owner’s request or need
  7. Install only eligible products as noted on mPOWER Eligible Improvements List
  8. Do not start work until the Notice of Assessment has been recorded
  9. Protect Property Owners, especially those in protected classes such as elders, from and against the exercise of undue influence that could lead to adverse purchasing, pricing and financing decisions
  10. Maintain active and good standing status with the California State Licensing Board
  11. Have a written and signed contract with the Property owner for all proposed work and services
  12. Obtain all legally required building permits on behalf of the Property Owner
  13. Include cost of permit fees in the bid
  14. Follow through and secure final sign off and approval from the appropriate authority within the jurisdiction over any projects upon which the contractor works. Note: Evidence of pulling a permit is insufficient.
  15. Comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations
  16. Use a sound and legally compliant hiring processes
  17. Act in good faith to resolve promptly any complaint or grievance that a Property Owner may file with the Contractor, mPOWER, or the jurisdiction in which the property resides
  18. Comply with the letter and intent of all provisions of the California Business and Professions Code relevant to the contractor’s business
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The mPOWER program has funded more than $101 million in energy efficiency and water conservation improvements since its creation in 2010. It served its mission well to save money, conserve energy and create jobs. Unfortunately, recent legislative, regulatory, and market changes have reduced the demand for this type of financing option. Solar and other energy efficiency projects continue to be installed, but other financing options are being used. After serious consideration, the Pioneer Board determined winding down and ending the program was the appropriate next step.

On June 17, 2021 the Pioneer Community Energy Board voted to wind down the mPOWER program.

As of August 31, 2021, the mPOWER program is no longer accepting applications for financing. While the program is closed to new applications, customers will still be able to make payoffs and paydowns, and they will continue to have access to customer service support. Applications received before August 31, 2021, will still be processed.

It has been a honor and pleasure serving all of the mPOWER communities.